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The League for Mental Health

The Zippy’s Friends Project stems from the international programme The Zippy’s Friends, created by a British organisation, the Partnership for Children.

Currently, the programme runs in almost thirty countries worldwide, involving exactly one million children in 2014.

Under the auspices of The League for Mental Health, this project has also been implemented in Slovakia since 2013.

During one year, the project team managed to train 87 teachers, prepare a manual and implement a part of the project in kindergartens and primary schools for 450 children. After graduating from the programme, children find it easier to share their feelings, are more empathic towards others, not only at school but also at home, which will have a very positive effect on their mental health in later years.

During the time of the project (one academic year), children were made to address relatively complex topics, such as Feelings, Communication, Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Coping with Change and Loss or Coping with New Situations. With the support of a teacher and the close relatives, all games and activities in the programme are designed to develop the children’s ability to face problems and express emotions, but also their ability of cooperation, solidarity, compassion, dedication, tolerance and empathy towards the needs of others and themselves.

The programme improves the ability of young children to cope with difficulties, develops their social skills and assertiveness, and prepares children for helping other people with difficulties.

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